tiistai 22. tammikuuta 2013

November Security & Investigations: Press release for 22.1.2013

November Security & Investigations Oy expands to Africa

November Security & Investigations (NSI), a security company founded in 2011, expands and goes international. As a new service available for its clients, NSI will provide human intelligence services concerning the Horn of Africa and surrounding countries. The service will provide companies and NGO's reliable information and opportunities with cooperating with both local and international actors.

With these new services, the NSI team will in the future include international experts. As of 2013, Liam O'Brien will serve as Vice Operations Manager and Steven DeFrias as Marketing Specialist and Business Analyst. The CEO of NSI will be as of 2013 Laura Tättilä.

With these new services, November Security & Investigation will breach new ground in a rapidly growing field of business and NSI is looking for new investors to fully explore these opportunities. The revenue of the company is expected to grow up to 590.000 euros during 2013 and beyond that, a yearly growth rate of 12% is expected.

For further information,

CEO Laura Tättilä

Operations Manager Jussi Marttila

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